Hi, kini terjawab sudah persoalan tentang Daphne Iking sama ada beliau sudah memeluk agama islam  ataupun tidak, ini kerana melihatkan gelagatnya di Anugerah Seri Angkasa 2010 yang mana memberikan salam dalam majlis tersebut.


Yang pasti ianya menimbulkan banyak tanda tanya kepada semua, dan pagi tadi terbaca entry KakIna yang mengatakan Daphne Iking sudah pun berkahwin untuk kali ke 2 dan memeluk agama islam. Alhamdulillah bertambah lagi seorang umat islam di dunia ini. Tahniah!!, moga ianya lahir dari hati yang ikhlas.

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Nota Yanmie : Seronok dapat kasut buaya…hahahaha


By yanmie

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30 thoughts on “Daphne Iking masuk islam dan sudah berkahwin”
  1. dia ikhlas kan masuk islam lps dia melawat india terpesona masjid taj mahal..bkn mcm JR tu masuk hindu sb terpesona dgn masjid taj mahal

  2. Her conversion to Islam is not altogether surprising. In the West, it is the fastest growing religion attracting converts from all walks of life. And that includes former clergymen (pastors & priests) like the Texas-born Yusuf Estes, Idris Tawfiq (ex Catholic priest) & Joshua Evans (ex Christian Youth minister). Just Google their names.

    We wish her all the best in living her life as a Muslim. May the God of Jesus grant her security, tranquility and prosperity.

  3. salam…tak kisah lah dia nak masuk Islam sebab apa,tapi doakan lah dia sentiasa merenovate niat kearah menjadi hamba Allah yang baik.Kenapa manusia suka menghakimi manusia deengan tengok niat jer??padahal you did not have any capability to read human’s heart…LOL,yang Muslim tu betul ker Muslim?Dalam Quran sendiri Allah mengizinkan lelaki Muslim untuk kahwin dengan perempuan ahli kitab ?jadi member ni dah masuk Islam,lu nak kecah sangat…

  4. this woman’s life is fucked up man.. her reason to “embrace” another religion is one of the most fakes that i ever heard. it’s obvious that she did that merely just to save her ass. to be accepted into the society again after all the “tribulation” that she has faced. well, it’s her choice tho.. but too dumb to make a right choice. pity her for making fun of the religion. more trials and tribulations ahead of her.. just hope she won’t be changing and jumping from one religion into another!!

    1. what a pity women you are Daphne…. May your heart will open for HIM again before gameover…. GBU!!!

      1. I agree with you “i’m not as stupid as her”! She is so stupid and I bet she married that man just for the money, she is just too scared to become poor. OMG!

    1. he..he… mohon maaf Mbak, Avatar dik Munir yang muncul soalnya cookiesnya nggak kehapu. Habis saya terlalu bersemangat kepingin komentar karena tadi pagi blog ini tidak bisa saya akses.

  5. semoga aka daphne terus istoqomah bersama islam, memeakai tudung dan suaminya bimbinglah dia ke jalan lurus dan hadir majlis ilmu

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